
One Lovely Blog Award!

I’ve been nominated for a One Lovely Blog Award by A Time to Create. Thank you the nomination, I’m glad you enjoy the blog. Keep working on your quilt and someday it will be completed.


This is a pay-it-forward type thing and the rules are:

1. Thank and link back to the person who nominated you.

2. List the rules and display the award.

3. List 7 facts about yourself.

4. Nominate around 15 other bloggers (but I didn’t nominate that many) and let them know about the award.

5. Follow the blogger who nominated you.

7 Facts About Me.

1. I am a Christian.

2. We have 7 grandchildren.

3. I like the crop farming aspect of our farm operation better than dealing with the cows. (The cows are the Farmer’s passion, definitely not mine.)

4. I’ve come to the realization that I’m never going to be able to create all the quilts I would like to make. I need to prioritize my projects.

5. I can’t stand clutter. I’ve been ruthlessly going through drawers and closets, weeding out unnecessary ‘things’.

6. I’m not very computer literate so I am extremely proud I figured out how to display the One Lovely Blog Award symbol without having to call any of my children to talk me through it!

7. Why do I have a blog? I enjoy looking at quilts, both mine and other peoples. I like to talk about my projects and when I talk about them to the Farmer, his eyes kind of glaze over and he says “Uh huh, uh huh.” He’s not interested. This is my way of being able to share about quilts and I welcome your comments. It’s ok though if  you are a lurker.

Another reason for the blog; most people don’t have any idea of what is involved in farming. Farm magazines are always stressing, “Farmers should take time to educate the public” so this is my way of educating the public. Maybe sometimes I share more information than you want, but you have been educated! Just remember though, every farm is different. Just because we operate a certain way doesn’t mean all dairy farms are managed that way.

The blogs I’m going to nominate are:

1. Trikingmomoe’s Blog

2. This Little Place Here

3. Luann from Loose Threads

4. Karen’s quilting

5. Kathy’s Quilts 

I’ve attempted to notify the above blogs about the nomination. I’m not sure if I’ve done the notification correctly or not. Oh well, I tried.

Some blogs I would like to nominate but can’t figure out how to contact them are:

6. Hilda from Every Stitch Hilda is from Australia. Her applique work is exquisite!

7. Keryn from Quilting Twin

8. Mereth from Pages from Me   Keryn and Mereth are twin sisters from Australia who have a longarm quilting business together.

9. Raewyn from Love to Stitch  Raewyn and her husband are dairy farmers from New Zealand which is a much different type of dairying than in northern Indiana. Raewyn also has a passion for quilts and needlework.

I know the list said 15 but these are blogs I enjoy reading the most and I hope you do too.

I’m a curious person and decided to find out what I could about the One Lovely Blog Award, so I googled it and found information here. The earliest time period I could find was a post dated December 6, 2011. They had also tried to track down information and were unable to find where the award originated. Something I found interesting was the number of blogs we are supposed to nominate. Sometimes it was 15, sometimes it was less. Some people were unwilling to participate because of “chain letter” implications and declined the privilege. Most people though, were honored and appreciative of the award.

So to all the followers and visitors, I say “Thank you for reading my blog.”

Since I always have at least 1 picture in my posts, here is a picture I took last summer.
