

IMG_5191Our almost three-year old grandson has moved out of the crib and into a big boy bed so I decided to make him a pillowcase to celebrate. It was so much fun to just sit and sew something and have it completed in an hour, that I decided to make pillowcases for the rest of the grands.

They’re all completed. I think it will be awhile before I make pillowcases again but they did turn out cute.

IMG_5193The pillowcases were all made using the magic pillowcase method. I hope the link works, the lady started talking right away.

IMG_5196The last of the Amaryllis are blooming now. The 2nd flower stalk of both red Amaryllis have now opened. The white one has both stalks blooming at the same time. I’ve noticed as the season as progressed, the interval between flower stalks blooming has lessened. I’ve placed a sticky note in the calendar on November as a reminder to pot up the bulbs earlier in the fall. I’ve got to have a note as a reminder or I’ll forget all about it!