
Autumn Sampler/Country Threads BOM

I just got the Autumn Sampler/Country Threads BOM back from the long arm quilter and the binding IMG_5051has been completed. Tammy Payette, from Three Sisters Fabric, quilted her with a simple stippling.

This quilt was something different from my usual projects. I normally don’t have a hodge podge of blocks next to each other.

This is my first finish for 2015 and that is a wonderful feeling. (And yes, this picture was taken before we received 14 inches of snow on February 1.)

Autumn Sampler

Sometimes it is so hard to find the right fabric for a border, then sometimes, when you aren’t even thinking about border fabric, the right one is just there. That is what happened with the Country Threads BOM project. Last fall I stopped at Calico Point one day and there was a display of fall fabrics on the front table. There it was, the perfect fabric! It just jumped off the table into my arms, cuddled up to me and whispered “Take me home, take me home!” So I did, 3 yards anyway.

I had thought all along that I wanted a full size bed quilt. The completed blocks measured 60″ by 80″. IMG_5019I thought awhile and then the border fabric spoke to me again and said “Maple Leaves”. So I made maple leaves, 14 for each side. I also added a cream and black checkerboard border. She now measures 90″ by 98″. After she is quilted, she will go on the extra bed upstairs. The border fabric doesn’t show very well in the quilt photo. IMG_5023Here is a close up of the border fabric.

This was a new experience for me. I like to see what I am doing ahead of time and I don’t normally sew blocks together in a somewhat random fashion. Anyway, the top is now completed and it’s time for a new name, Autumn Sampler. 

I’m not participating in any BOM’s this year but if you would like to participate in a monthly BOM project, Mandy at Farm Chick Quilts, has just posted the first block of the 2015 sew along.

Country Threads BOM

The December block was a very easy block, all we needed to do was to sew borders on the March block. She now finishes at 12″.


The top is now sewn together and measures 60″ by 80″.


I normally don’t participate in mystery quilts, I guess I’m too much of a control freak. I just decided to try something different for 2014.

I haven’t determined yet if I am going to quilt her at this size or if I’m going to add borders and turn her into a bed quilt.

Farm Chick Quilts is planning on continuing with the mystery Block of the Month in 2015. This was a fun project to work on in  2014 but I’m not going to participate in any BOM’s next year. I have enough projects of my own to complete.

Country Threads/Farm Chick Quilts BOM & Pumpkinvine BOM

The block for the November Country Threads BOM is a very simple one and measures 12″ x 18″ when finished.


I just didn’t like the October block the way the pattern showed. I’ve taken it apart again and rearranged it. Now it is symmetrical.


The owner of the Country Threads shop has retired and Mandy Stromer of the Farm Chick Quilts shop has taken over the sampler quilt project.

The machine quilting on the Pumpkinvine BOM quilt is finished. I think it turned out very pretty.


Another finish!

Block of the Month Projects

I’ve sewn the October Country Threads BOM. This was more challenging than I thought it was going to be. I had it completed, then looked at the pattern again. It was pieced incorrectly! It isn’t symmetrical and that is how I had sewn it. So, out came the seam ripper and apart came the block. The size is 18″ finished.


In September we received the layout for the 2nd section of the quilt.


I thought there was too much gold, but it looked fine when I laid the first section beside it. I don’t know which way I like better, with the first section on top?


Or with the second section on the top? What do you think?


I’ll decide when the 3rd section is completed which way to sew them together. This project is 3/4th completed!

The October Buck-A-Blocks are also completed.


When I started this project back in January, we were given a black and white paper copy of the finished quilt. It seems like this project is taking a long time, so I got out the paper copy and figured the design of the last two blocks. Here are the November blocks . . .


And the December blocks.


The brown and blue blocks contain the extra blocks left over from the other 11 blocks. Scrappy make it more unique.

I’ve sewn the pink and brown blocks together. I won’t get the finishing kit until December so this is as far as I can go with this quilt for now.


I haven’t decided on the fabric for the border for the brown and blue quilt.


I have more of the blue fabric that is in this block,


But I’m not sure if that is what I want to use. I think it might be too dark. At least the center is finished!

Country Threads BOM

The September Country Thread blocks have been sewn. I needed to make 2 Chevron Blocks.



They said to make another February block.


I’ve changed the house block. The Farmer and I think this is an improvement.



Country Threads BOM

For September the Country Threads BOM is calling for 4 blocks. The first block is a house block that finishes at 22″. I’ve never made a  house before, so this was something different for me. Our house is gray with green steel roofing; so that is why I used the fabrics I did.


The branches and leaves in the gray floral represent the  trees that surround our house. Those eyes with no body (kind of creepy) represent the orchestra of insects (cicadas, crickets, katydids and whatever else)  that serenade us in late summer evenings.


I like the left side of the house, but the right side looks rather austere. The Farmer said that part looks like a barn! I might take that apart and place a rectangular window in the section above the door.

I haven’t completed the other blocks; the fabric is cut though and ready to sew. Two of the blocks are a chevron pattern and the last block is to be another 12″ February pattern. I don’t know if I’ll get to those today. The sun is finally shining, tomatoes need to be picked and the grass needs to be mowed again.

Country Threads BOM

The next BOM I worked on was the Country Threads project. The July blocks were 3 12″ blocks.


The quilt top is being sewn in 3 sections. In the middle of July the first section layout was released. Here it is!


For August I pieced seven 8″ blocks! They are supposed to be sewn together in a continuous strip, but I’m waiting to sew them together until I see what blocks adjoin them.


Seven blocks are too long to fit into 1 photo.


I’m caught up with the Country Threads BOM, at least until September 1st.

Block of the Month Catch Up

We had some rainy days, so I worked on BOM projects to get caught up for June.

First is the Buck A Block. I took it apart one evening, so it was ready to be resewn. Six of the baskets have a brown square at the top. One basket is going to have to be set into the brown setting triangles. I don’t like it that way, but sometimes that’s the way it goes. Anyway, here is what I’ve completed so far. I’m halfway done!

IMG_4237Then I sewed the last 2 blocks for the Pumpkinvine BOM. I had selected the fabrics I want to use earlier so I could quickly cut them out and sew them.

IMG_4235I have the 12 blocks arranged on the floor. The next rainy day, I’ll cut the sashing fabric for the center.

Just the Country Thread block was left, or I should really say blocks: four blocks, one 16″ and three 8″. I sewed the 16″ block. (It has 4 neutral colored filler blocks on the one side.) I cut the pieces for the three 8″ blocks and sewed them the next day.

IMG_4236I really like these stars. Wouldn’t a quilt with several of the large stars look beautiful? Maybe someday.