
Country Threads/Farm Chick Quilts BOM & Pumpkinvine BOM

The block for the November Country Threads BOM is a very simple one and measures 12″ x 18″ when finished.


I just didn’t like the October block the way the pattern showed. I’ve taken it apart again and rearranged it. Now it is symmetrical.


The owner of the Country Threads shop has retired and Mandy Stromer of the Farm Chick Quilts shop has taken over the sampler quilt project.

The machine quilting on the Pumpkinvine BOM quilt is finished. I think it turned out very pretty.


Another finish!

Pumpkinvine BOM

The farmer was gone several days the first part of the month, which means, no hay baling! I had time to work on some BOM projects and completed the Pumpkinvine BOM top!


She’ll go to the machine quilter this month. I was worried about the fabrics I had selected but they pulled together nicely. I wanted something different and I got it.

I also pieced a small project in connection with the Maple Leaf Quilt Guild. In appreciation of the work the outgoing president has done on behalf of the guild, each member pieces a quilt block for her. They usually give some kind of guide lines; the size or color or, in this case, the actual pattern. I’ve finally got my block sewn and will turn it in at the next guild meeting.


The block is oversized but I’ll let her square it up.

Block of the Month Catch Up

We had some rainy days, so I worked on BOM projects to get caught up for June.

First is the Buck A Block. I took it apart one evening, so it was ready to be resewn. Six of the baskets have a brown square at the top. One basket is going to have to be set into the brown setting triangles. I don’t like it that way, but sometimes that’s the way it goes. Anyway, here is what I’ve completed so far. I’m halfway done!

IMG_4237Then I sewed the last 2 blocks for the Pumpkinvine BOM. I had selected the fabrics I want to use earlier so I could quickly cut them out and sew them.

IMG_4235I have the 12 blocks arranged on the floor. The next rainy day, I’ll cut the sashing fabric for the center.

Just the Country Thread block was left, or I should really say blocks: four blocks, one 16″ and three 8″. I sewed the 16″ block. (It has 4 neutral colored filler blocks on the one side.) I cut the pieces for the three 8″ blocks and sewed them the next day.

IMG_4236I really like these stars. Wouldn’t a quilt with several of the large stars look beautiful? Maybe someday.

The 3rd Block of the Month Project

I’m participating in a third Block of the Month through the Pumpkinvine Quilt Shop in Middlebury. This project will end in June because we are sewing 2 blocks a month. Here are the blocks sewn so far.

IMG_3965I’m sorry they look blurry and the fabric doesn’t have blotches of yellow either.

All of the blocks have a star center. The color combination is different from what I normally use. I’m getting out of my comfort zone!