Red Radiance Time

IMG_5342The week with the grands went fast and now it is just the Farmer and I. The small quilting frame has been carried back downstairs and I’m ready to start quilting again. But first I needed to remark some of the quilting lines. I took pictures of her while she was out of the frame.


IMG_5343And the back.

I have mixed feeling about this quilting hoop. It’s great for the center section but more challenging for the outside edge. I guess I didn’t cut my backing fabric large enough. It is definitely bigger than the center but quilting the outside triangles is annoying.


IMG_5344My thimble marks where I’m quilting at the moment. I’m guessing she’s 3/4th completed.

It feels really good to be quilting again and I’m going to try to finish this quilt this month. Since I’ve publicly announced it, you can hold me to it.

Next week I’m also hoping to work on the top row of the Jane Stickle quilt. I need to cut out the white alternate triangles and sew the row together.

I’ve linked to Kathy’s Slow quilting Sunday.

14 thoughts on “Red Radiance Time

  1. Some people pin muslin to the edge to make it sit in the frame properly for the edge. I’ve also used those rectangular PVC frames for the edges as well. Looking great!

  2. Your red and white quilt is gorgeous. Whenever I’ve had a border to hand quilt I pinned a tea towel to the edge of where I’m quilting so part of that is in the frame to hold the quilt taut. ( hope you understand what I mean )

  3. I am looking for the pattern for the red radiance quilt. I have the flowers. But not instructions on sizes to cut and sew together! I hope you can help me. Karen

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